Greetings everyone, Bliadhna mhath ùr — Happy New Year!
We the BCPA are undergoing transition as previous long-standing BCPA volunteers and board members are retiring and new ones are coming on. With this intergenerational change of command comes opportunity for more distributed leadership and setting us on a path for expansion and succession.

2024 – An opportunity for all of us to continue enjoying the Piping and Drumming culture we so love, while supporting our Association. A chance to get more people involved in the music, the BCPA our home base while enjoying some camaraderie along the way.

As a part of our updated strategic plan, there are some exciting new initiatives: for instance, the Youth Initiative Project. This invites youth members to give us input on what they would like to see in their Association. Giving them agency to run these events, at the same time mentoring them into volunteering and taking leadership roles. Like many volunteer-driven events and cultural nonprofits attempting to revive after the pandemic, we have been doing more with less, attracting new, visionary, and talented people. Aiden Fowler, newly on the board, leading our Youth Committee is interested in hearing ideas from our teen and young adult members please contact Aiden.

The BCPA is not just the Executive and Board – all of whom are volunteers, many working full time. By definition, an Association is made up of people who have a common interest or purpose. The BCPA is all of us together. It only exists because of this common interest and the need for some structure to help us create cultural experiences to enjoy and share with one another and the public.

Our Association has a strong commitment to the competitive aspects of Piping and Drumming but the BCPA is not just about competition players and competition bands! We are seeking to bring all who love piping and drumming together for knowledge and fun. To that end — how can we do this better? We need more of you “in” with us to imagine and create the vision!

To be involved, you do not have to be elected to the executive or board. Whether you can contribute just a bit of time, or have more time to give, or just ideas to present, we are interested in what you have to offer. We need your ideas, creativity, hands and feet. Reach out to me at on how you can participate on this journey to reimagine and expand the BCPA. Better yet come and say “hi” and talk to me or any other board members at the upcoming February Mini-Gathering, Boney or the Annual Gathering on Easter Weekend.

Leis gach deagh dhùrachd (with all kind regards),

René Cusson

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