Current BCPA Rules, music requirements, and event scheduling PDFs.

The rules will be reviewed annually and updated here.

Please see the Resources > Bylaws & Constitution page for the Bylaws & Constitution the BC Pipers’ Association.

* Revised Effective October 6, 2021

** Updated – March 5, 2022

Music Events (Music Requirements) **
Solo Piping *
Solo Snare and Tenor Drumming
Pipe Band
Timing for Scheduled Events *
List of Grand Aggregate Awards Competitions
Competitor Code of Conduct
BCPA Band Events Balanced Schedule (beginning in 2018)
BCPA Massed Bands Music Settings (Piping, Snare & Tenor Drumming)


Adjudicators and Stewards Codes of Conduct and other information is on the Support > Adjudicators and Stewards page