The Gandy Bagpipe Foundation Fundraiser was held at the new Scottish Cultural Center in Victoria, B.C. on Saturday, September 23. There was 120 in attendance plus a livestreamed audience. People traveled from Vancouver, Powell River, Pender Island, and Los Angeles. The very successful evening raised just over $8,000 in funds. The Gandy Bagpiping foundation is acutely focused in helping youths achieve their piping potential. One of the goals is raising funds to facilitate perpetual bursaries and scholarships.

Bruce Gandy piping
Alex Gandy piping

The evening featured performances by Bruce and Alex Gandy, Cameron and Kate Bonar, and Gord Pollock on Smallpipes. The audience was appreciative and a good social time was had by all. There were whiskey raffles and a silent auction with some rare whiskey and memorabilia.

At the event, a new scholarship in the name of The Abigail Cowbrough Scholarship was announced.  Abigail Cowbrough died tragically in 2020 in the service of her country. She was 23 at the time. The Canadian Forces helicopter in which she was working crashed into the Ionian sea off Italy, killing all on board.  Abigail was a member of Halifax area pipe bands, had learned piping in cadets, and was working hard to improve her piping skills through lessons.  Abigail was a piping student of Bruce’s.

Cameron & Kate Bonar piping & dancing
Gord Pollock playing Smallpipes

The Abigail Cowbrough Scholarship is awarded to a piper working with determination and focus to achieve their musical goals. The scholarship was presented by Bruce Gandy to the first recipient, BCPA member, Cameron Bonar.

Cameron Bonar receiving The Abigail Cowbrough Scholarship presented by Bruce Gandy

The livestream is still up and people viewing are being encouraged to donate to the foundation. Livestream recording can be accessed HERE.

For those wishing to donate or learn more about the foundation, they can go to: