6-22-98 Campbell, CA results

Many thanks to Jan Richey for these results:


chanter class
J. Richey judging; 1 competitor
1st place Drew Barker

J. Richey judging; 1 competitor
1st place Drew Barker

grade IV slow air
W. Sutherland judging; 17 competitors
1st Richard Katz
2nd Ryan MacConnell
3rd Stephen Martin
4th John Burke
5th Michael Duell

grade IV 2/4 march
S. Taylor judging; 17 competitors
1st Ryan MacConnell
2nd Stephen Martin
3rd Matt Anderson
4th Richard Katz
5th Seamus Raudenbush

grade IV piobaireachd (ground only)
R. Boyd judging; 9 competitors
1st Walt Innes
2nd Ryan MacConnell
3rd Stephen Martin
4th Richard Katz
5th Norm Walker

grade 4 aggregate - Ryan MacConnell

grade III 2/4 march
W. Sutherland judging; 8 competitors
1st Gwendolyn Foster
2nd Ryan Parker
3rd Robert Duncan
4th Joe Fitch
5th Bob Hollingsworth

grade III strathspey/reel
S. Taylor judging; 7 competitors
1st Ryan Parker
2nd Gwendolyn Foster
3rd Jim Laughton
4th Joe Fitch
5th Joe Roberts

grade III hornpipe
R. Boyd judging; 5 competitors
1st Erin Berta
2nd Jim Laughton
3rd Bob Hollingsworth
4th Joe Fitch
5th Gwendolyn Foster

grade III piobaireachd
H. Gladden judging; 6 competitors
1st Gwendolyn Foster
2nd Greg Cook
3rd Bob Hollingsworth
4th Erin Berta
5th Richard Katz

grade II MSR
H. Gladden judging; 1 competitor
1st Tammy Smith

grade II hornpipe jig
R. Boyd judging; 1 competitor
1st Tammy Smith

grade II 6/8 march
J. Richey judging; 1 competitor
1st Tammy Smith

grade II piobaireachd
H. Gladden judging; 1 competitor
1st Tammy Smith

grade III snare; 4 parted tune
T. Gladden judging; 4 competitors
1st Megan Shull
2nd Chris Platt
3rd Peter Marks
4th Mike Sorge

grade II MSR
T. Gladden judging; 4 competitors
1st Jane McPherson
2nd Audie Jenkins
3rd Hilary Alder
4th Harold Deen

band results:

grade III MSR
R. Boyd, piping
H. Gladden, ensemble
T. Gladden, drumming
1st place City of Sacramento
2nd place Prince Charles Pipe Band

grade IV medley
R. Boyd, piping
H. Gladden, ensemble
T. Gladden, drumming
1st place MacIntosh Pipe Band
2nd place City of Sacramento
3rd Place Salinas Pipe Band

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6/17/98 1998 Kiowa Celtic Festival Results
<<From: Elaine Hoffman:
This just came today from Neil Gillette: (the Head Steward was Nancy Davidson) I've included just the WUSPBA sanctioned solo events through 5th place, there were numerous local option events and the games was a good time!

Grade II
MSR (2 competitors)
1. Lance Dorris
2. Roger Hosea

Hornpipe/Jig (1 competitor)
1. Lance Dorris

Piobaireachd (1 competitor)
1. Lance Dorris

Grade III
2/4 March (11 competitors)
1. Justin Duran
2. J.D. McQuiston
3. Rachel Bryant
4. Jay Leasure
5. Ian Douglas-Moore

S/R (6 competitors)
1. Wendy McNevin
2. Molly McLean]
3. Rachel Bryant
4. Joe Wallace
5. Elaine Hoffman

Piobaireachd (9 competitors)
1. Wendy McNevin
2. Joe Wallace
3. Elaine Hoffman
4. Ian Douglas-Moore
5. Rick Villa

Grade IV
2/4 (11 competitors)
1. Kelly Willard
2. Chris Veenaman
3. Ian McCollum
4. Hailey Harris
5. Brian Collins

Slow March (10 competitors)
1. Matthew Reps
2. Chris Owen
3. Albert Valletta
4. Hailey Harris
5. Kelly Willard

Piobaireachd (5 competitors)
1. Kelly Willard
2. Matthew Reps
3. Ian McCollum
4. Marilyn Von Fay
5. Albert Valletta

Drum Major (4 competitors)
1. Teddy Gee
2. Dave Bonham
3. John Lawson
4. Les Thornberg

Grade III Snare (4 competitors)
1. Jenny Schouter
2. Ryan McKee
3. Nick Small
4. Bryan Staggs

Grade II Tenor (2 competitors)
1. Llynda Kile
2. Deb Cowan

Amateur Bass (2 competitors)
1. John Lawson
2. Tom Farrell


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6-3-98 Albuquerque Celtic Festival Results

Thanks to Tod Gregoire for the following:

' 11th Annual Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival & Highland Games
Albuquerque, New Mexico

May 30, 1998
Hugh Elder
Ben Holmes
Steve Megarity
Carl Lenny, Drumming

Grade IV Bands
MSR - (4 bands competing)
1. Seven Pipers Society Pipe Band, Tucson, AZ
2. High Desert Pipes & Drums, Albuquerque, NM
3. Albuqerque & Four Corners Pipes and Drums - Los Alamos, NM

Medley - (8 bands competing)
1. Seven Pipers Society Pipe Band, Tucson, AZ
2. High Desert Pipes & Drums, Albuquerque, NM
3. Ilse Of Mull, Denver, CO

Grade II Piping (5 competitors)
1. Andrew Trimble
2. Don Machen
3. Lance Dorris
1. Andrew Trimble
2. Don Machen
3. Lance Dorris

Grade III Piping (10 competitors)
6/8 March
1. Bill Horn
2. Scott Estes
3. Kent Argubright
1. Bill Horn
2. Simon Penner
3. Nate Lorenz

Grade IV Piping (23 competitors)
2/4 March
1. Evan Larsen
2. Ian McCollum
3. Blair Bardwell
Slow March
1. Mason Parsons
2. Virginia Franklyn
3. Evan Larsen
Grade V Piping
Practice Chanter
1. Duncan McCollum
2. Susan Jacobie
3. Mike Sauger

Grade II Snare (5 competitors)
1. Cara Mezydlo
2. Drew McPheeters
3.Jim Hutchinson

Grade III Snare (10 competitors)
2/4 March
1. Tucker Hamilton
2. Daniel Appel
3. Jenny Schouten

Tenor Drum (3 competitors)
1. Emily Trimble
2. Deb Cowan
3. Lynda Kile
Bass Drum
1. Stuart Baker
2. Mike Wheelon
3. Tom Farrell

Drum Majors - (4 competitors)
1. John Lawson
2. David Bonham
3. David Fletcher

Sponsored Awards
Band of the day
Seven Pipers Society Pipe Band, Tucson, AZ

Best Grade IV Band
Seven Pipers Society Pipe Band, Tucson, AZ

Piper of the day
Andrew Trimble

George Pringle Award for Best Beginning Piper First Competition
Mason Parsons - High Desert Pipes & Drums

Garret Buck Award for Best Performance On A Practice Chanter
Duncan McCollum.'

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5-29-98 Costa Mesa Solo Results (From 5/23/98 and 5/24/98)

Many thanks to Heather Ellingson (the Chairman of Piping and Drumming) for providing me with the complete list of all information for all of these solo events.  I   have distilled it to the following:
Grade IV
Event #1
2/4 March
1 Steve Busch
2 Elizabeth Dunsire
3 Scott Munns
4 Ryan MacConnell
5 Kim Nissen
6 Skyler Blakeslee
6 Daniel Pieniaszek
8 Stephen Farrell
9 Aaron Williams

Event #2
Slow March
50 competitors
1 Ryan McConnell
2 Merrilee Berger
3 Daniel Pieniaszek
4 James Naismith
5 Kim Nissen
6 Scott Munns
7 Robert Armstrong
8 Elizabeth Dunsire
9 Scott Vilhauer
Grade III
Event #3
Strathspey and Reel
12 competitors
1 Gabe Schroeder
2 Ryan Parker
3 Erin Berta
4 Joey Wozniak
5 Shawn Scarlett

Event #4
12 competitors
1 Ryan Parker
2 Gabe Schroeder
3 Joey Wozniak
4 Megan Harrington
5 Glenn Kvidahl

Event #22
11 competitors
1 Robert Lund
2 Michael Pomeroy
3 Susan "Rennis" McPherson
4 Rob McCutcheon
5 Gwendolyn Foster
Grade II
Event #5
18 competitors
1 Tom Harvey
2 Fiona Taylor
3 Colin Berta
4 Ian Werner
5 Cameron Stewart
6 Rob Bruce

Event #6
Hornpipe Jig
16 Competitors
1 Rob Bruce
2 Ian Werner
3 Colin Berta
4 Tom Harvey
5 Jeff Henderson

Event #23
6 competitors
1 Rob Bruce
2 Robert Hackney
3 Mike McKee
4 Lawrence Samuels
5 William Graham
Grade 1
Event #7
7 Competitors
1 Kevin Watsky
2 Tony Adkins
3 Kylie Mackintosh
4 Alison Dunsire
5 Kate Melenyzer

Event #8
Hornpipe Jig
7 competitors
1 Colin Armstrong
2 Kate Melenyzer
3 Kevin Watsky
4 Alison Dunsire
5 Tony Adkins

Event #25
2 competitors
1 Tony Adkins
2 Kate Melenyzer

Event #26
So Cal Amatuer
4 competitors
1 Colin Armstrong
2 Kevin Watsky
3 Katie Melenyzer
4 Kylie Mackintosh
Event #9
15 competitors
1 Damien Burleigh
2 Glen Thompson
3 Steve Magherity
4 Jeanie Hawes
5 Ian Rawlinson

Event #10
Hornpipe Jig
14 competitors
1 Damien Burleigh
2 Jeanie Hawes
3 Steve Magherity
4 Stewart Smith
5 Ian Rawlinson

Event #27
6 competitors
1 Jeanie Hawes
2 Aaron Shaw
3 Damien Burleigh
4 Glen Thompson
5 John Partanen
Grade 3 Drumming
Event #11
2/4 March
7 competitors
Megan Shull
Steve Magarity
Clarke Forrest
David Boyd
Harold Dean
Grade 2 Drumming
5 competitors
Jane McPherson
Hilary Alder
Audie Jenkins
Michael Ross
David Mascarenas
Grade 1 Drumming
3 competitors
Eli Fugate
Glenn Kvidahl
Anjali Kapur
Grade 1 Tenor
Event#14 MSR
2 competitors
Art Peters
Galand Hallowell III
Drum Major
Event #15
7 competitors
Jared Anderson
Jacy Anderson
Kevin MacHeffner
Ian Purvis
Mark Agrero

Event #29
8 competitors
Kevin MacHeffner
Jacy Anderson
Jared Anderson
Ian Purvis
Mark Aguro
Professional Drumming
5 competitors
Joe Foley
Duncan McPherson
Lesley Taylor
Marc Hanson
Evan McNair Alder

Back to Western Piping News Top 6-2-98 Costa Mesa Games Results - bands

(I apologise for the delay - Bob)

Saturday May 23, 1998:

Grade IV, MSR (8 bands)
1. Los Angeles & District Pipe Band
2. Misty Isle Pipe Band
3. Salinas Pipe Band
4. Seven Pipers Society Pipe Band
5. R.P. Blandford and Son Pipe Band

Grade III, Medley (7 bands)
1. Prince Charles Pipe Band
2. Cameron Highlanders Pipe Band
3. Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band
4. House of Scotland Pipe Band
5. City of Sacramento Pipe Band

Grade II MSR (2 bands)
1. Alameda
2. 53rd St./ Cabar Feidh Pipe Band

Grade I Medley (3 bands)
1. Los Angeles Scottish Pipe Band
2. Alberta Caledonian Pipe Band
3. Abbotsford Police Pipe Band

Sunday, May 24, 1998:

Grade IV, Medley (8 bands)
1. Los Angeles & District Pipe Band
2. Seven Pipers Society Pipe Band
3. Misty Isle Pipe Band
4. Salinas Pipe Band
5. City of Sacramento Pipe Band

Grade III MSR (7 bands)
1. Prince Charles Pipe Band
2. Cameron Highlanders Pipe Band
3. Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band
4. House of Scotland Pipe Band
5. R.P. Blandford and Son Pipe Band

Grade II Medley (3 bands)
1. Alameda
2. 53rd St./ Cabar Feidh Pipe Band
3. Canadian Scottish Regiment

Grade I MSR (3 bands)
1. Alberta Caledonian Pipe Band
2. Los Angeles Scottish Pipe Band
3. Abbotsford Police Pipe Band

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5-4-98 Dr. Dan Reid Memorial Invitational Results

From Robert Boyd:

1998 Dr. Dan Reid Memorial Invitational Solo Piping Competition (held 5/2/98)
Presented by The St. Andrew's Foundation

Colonial Room
St. Francis Hotel, Union Square
San Francisco, California

Major A.M. Cairns, MMM (London, Ontario)
Mr. Angus J. MacLellan (Glasgow, Scotland)

1998 Cameron/Gillies Championship

1st: Stuart Liddell (Inverary, Scotland), In Praise of Morag
2nd: Ms. Mary-Ann MacKinnon (Milngavie, Scotland), Lament for Patrick Og MacCrimmon
3rd: Mr. James MacHattie (Burnaby, British Columbia), The Prince's Salute

1st: James MacHattie. The Braes of Castle Grant, Delvinside, John MacKechnie's Big Reel.
2nd: Stuart Liddell. Colin Thomson, Blair Drummond, Mrs. MacPherson of Inveran
3rd: Mary-Ann MacKinnon. MacLean of Pennycross, Kirstie McCallman's Favourite, The Man from Glengarry.

Overall, Cameron/Gillies:
1st Stuart Liddell
2nd: James MacHattie
3rd: Mary-Ann MacKinnon

1998 Master's Championship

Mr. Gregg Abbott (Kokomo, Indiana)
Mr. Bruce Gandy (Summerside, Prince Edward Island)
P.M. William Livingstone (Whitby, Ontario)
P.M. Roderick MacLeod (Cumbernauld, Scotland)
Mr. William MacCallum (Bearsden, Scotland)

1st: Roderick MacLeod, The Lament for MacSwan of Roaig
2nd: William Livingstone, Lachlan MacNeill Campbell of Kintarbert's Fancy
3rd: William McCallum, The King's Taxes

1st: Roderick MacLeod. 71st Highlanders, David Ross, Atholl Cummers, Tulloch Gorm, Flora MacLennan's Favorite, The Cockerel in the Creel.
2nd: Bruce Gandy. Dr. MacLeod of Alnwick, The Pap of Glencoe, Inverary Castle, Tulloch Castle, MacAllister's Dirk, The Brown Haired Maid.
3rd: William McCallum. Donald MacLellan of Rothesay, 74th's Farewell to Edinburgh, The Shepherd's Crook, Lady Louden, The Sheepwife, Loch Carron.

Overall, Master's Championship
1st: Roderick MacLeod
2nd: William Livingstone
3rd: William McCallum

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4/26/98 - Sacramento Games Results

Results from the Sacramento games (Saturday 4/25/98):

Grade 4  (24 competitors)
2/4 March
1. Ryan Macconnell
2. David Ginsberg
3. Elizabeth Dunsire
Slow March
1. Iain Mackay
2. Ryan Macconnell
3. Elizabeth Dunsire

Grade 3 (12 competitors) 
1. Gabe Schroeder
2. Ryan Parker
3. Megan Harrington
1. Gabe Schroeder
2. Ryan Parker
3. Gwendolyn Foster
Strathspey / Reel
1. Ryan Parker
2. Gwendolyn Foster
3. Joe Wozniak

Grade 2 (4 competitors)
6/8 March
1. Colin Berta
2. Ann McPherson
3. Fiona Taylor
Hornpipe / Jig
1. Colin Berta
2. Fiona Taylor
3. Ann McPherson
1. Fiona Taylor
2. Ann McPherson
3. Colin Berta

Snare Grade 3 2/4 March  (5 competitors)
1. Chris Platt
2. Megan Schull
3. Billy Mcwoop

Snare Grade 2 MSR (4 competitors)
1. Jane McPherson
2. Hilary Alder
3. Harold Deen

Bands: (This is all I have)
Grade 3 (2 bands)  1st place - The Prince Charles Pipe Band.
Grade 4 (4 bands) 1st place -  City of Sacramento Pipe Band

I apologize for any solo events I failed to report, and for any spelling errors in names - I wrote these down from the scorers table, and even I have trouble reading my writing at times(!).


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(04-13-98): WUSPBA solo pipers invade BC Pipers' 66th Annual Gathering

(invade? OK - Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic)

In Vancouver, B.C., on Friday April 10th, and in Delta, B.C. on Saturday April 11th, the BC Pipers' Association held their 66th Annual Gathering. This competition attracts visitors from Scotland, Northern Ireland, the USA, and from all over Canada - it is very interesting, and very entertaining.  There were more than 200 competitors and over 20 pipe bands.

Friday was Professional and Grade 1 Piobaireachd, followed by a professional drumming and professional piping medley contest.

WUSPBA professional Ian Whitelaw placed 5th (I believe) out of 25 competitors in the Open Piobaireachd. (Ian has won this event twice in the past - it is very nice to see a WUSPBA member listed in the program as a past winner.)

WUSPBA Grade 1 pipers John (Decker) Forrest, Colin Armstrong, and Alison Dunsire competed in the Grade 1 Piobaireachd on Friday in a class with a total of 18 competitors.  John (Decker) Forrest placed 2nd. (The BC Pipers only give the top 5 places in each event, and they do not give scores.)

In the evening professional drumming contest Duncan Millar (I want to still consider him WUSPBA) tied for the overall win.  There were two events for the professional drumming, MSR and Hornpipe / Jig.  Duncan won one event and finished second in the other. (I don't remember which)

Saturday the 11th  was the day for all the other music, and the bands.

In Grade 4 WUSPBA members Alex Taylor, Iain Mackay, and Elizabeth Dunsire competed. There were 45 Grade 4 players, divided into two groups - with awards given to each group.  Iain Mackay placed 5th in both the 2/4 March and the Slow March.

In Grade 1 there were 25 light music competitors.  John (Decker) Forrest placed 2nd in the MSR, Colin Armstrong tied for 5th in the Jig, and Alison Dunsire (!) placed 2nd in the Jig.  Yes - WUSPBA grade 1 players took 2nd place in each Grade 1 event - wow.

Congratulations to the WUSPBA members who competed at this Annual Gathering.  I am very pleased to have witnessed this event where everyone can see that WUSPBA has some very fine (and appropriately graded) pipers.

We (the family) had a great time, and I'll write a review of this event in the next day or two.  You'll find the review in the usual place.


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04-13-98 Fort Collins contest results:

Here are the results of the Fort Collins contest, as reported by Betsey
Ft. Collins Indoor Competition

The Ft. Collins Indoor Competition was held Sat. April 4th at the Music
Building on the CSU campus. This competition is for solo events only. No
drumming events were held this year.

Grade IV Slow March
Judge: S. Thornton
1st – Albert Valletta, Jr.
2nd – Carl Zohn
3rd - Kelly Willard
4th – Virginia Franklyn
5th – Dale Baker
7 competitiors

Grade IV 2/4 March
Judge S. Thornton
1st – Rick Draudt
2nd – Adam Wicklund
3rd – Kelly Willard
4th – Dan Hock
5th – Virginia Franklyn
9 competitors

Grade IV – Piobaireachd Ground
Judge: C. Choszczyk
1st – Kelly Willard
2nd – Dan Hock
3rd – Dale Baker
4th – Marilyn Von Fay
5th – Albert Valletta, Jr.
7 competitors

Grade III – 2/4 March
Judge: B. Holmes
1st – Justin Duran
2nd – Elaine Hoffman
3rd – Wendy McNevin
4th – Lise Nelson
5th – Simon Penner
9 competitors

Grade III – 6/8 March
Judge: B. Holmes
1st – Joe Wallace
2nd – Lise Nelson
3rd – Elaine Hoffman
4th – Justin Duran
5th – Kent Argubright
9 competitors

Grade III – Piobaireachd
Judge: C. Choszczyk
1st – Lise Nelson
2nd – Wendy McNevin
3rd – Elaine Hoffman
4th – Joe Wallace
5th – Rachel Bryant
5 competitors

Grade II – MSR
Judge: B. Holmes
1st – Lance Dorris
2nd – Karl Brown
2 competitors

Grade II Hornpipe/Jig
Judge: B. Holmes
1st – Lance Dorris
2nd – Karl Brown
2 competitors

Grade II Piobaireachd
Judge: C. Choszczyk
1st – Lance Dorris
2nd – Karl Brown
2 competitors

Grade V Practice Chanter
Judge: S. Thornton
1st – Connie Hilgefort
2nd – Chris Veeneman
3rd – Jonathon Hagan
4th – Pat McGregor
5th – Judy Sudmeier

Special Awards:
Best Beginning Piper: Connie Hilgefort
Piper of the Day: Lance Dorris

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