April 29, 2000 Washington Pipers' Mini-Gathering #5
2 competitors
1 - Emerson Dodge
Grade 4 - Under 18
4 competitors
1 - Tyler MacDonald
2 - Daniel Smith
3 - Heather Sharpe
Grade 4 - over 18
1 competitor
1 - Alexa Johnson
Grade 4 - Senior
6 competitors
1 - Michael Unger
2 - Doug Serrill
3 - Rochelle Eldridge
Grade 3
6 competitors
1 - Liz Dunsire
2 - Drew Dodge
3 - Mario Caturegelli
Grade 2
3 competitors
1 - Chris Thompson
2 - Seth Walker
Grade 1
1 competitor
1 - John Dally
Side Drumming
3 competitors
1 - Justin Williams
2 - Kate Boyd
Tenor Drumming
2 competitors
1 - Allie Guerrero

This was the final WPA mini gathering of the season.  Aggregate winners for the 1999 / 2000 WPA Mini-Gatherings are:

Chanter - Emerson Dodge
G4 - U18 - Daniel Smith
G4 - O18 - Alexa Johnson
G4 Sr - Rochelle Eldridge
G3 - Liz Dunsire
G2 - Seth Walker

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March 25, 2000 - Washington Pipers' Mini Gathering

3 competitors
1 - Meg Francis
2 - Colin MacDonald
3 - Daniel Davis
Grade 4 Sr
5 competitors
1 - Mike Unger
2 - Kevin Taylor
3 - Rochelle Eldridge
Grade 4 U-18
3 competitors
1 - Daniel Smith
2 - Heather Sharpe
Grade 4 18 & Over
3 competitors
1 - Alexa Johnson
2 -Shannon Farrell
2 - Michael MacKenzie
Grade 3
10 competitors
1 - Drew Dodge
2 - Liz Dunsire
3 - Jonathan Farrell
4 - Ernie Gregor
5 - Allen MacDougal
Grade 2
4 competitors
1 - Kevin Auld
2 - Craig Fraser
3 - Seth Walker
Grade 1
1 competitor
1 - John Dally
Drum Tenor
2 competitors
1 - Allie Guerrero
2 - Brianna Wilhelm

I hope I have spelled the names correctly.  Please let me know if not.

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Feb 26, 2000 - Washington Pipers' Mini-Gathering

Jorri Chisholm judged all the pipers and gave a wonderful recital after the contest.

3 competitors
1-Emerson Dodge
2 - Daniel Davis
3-Colin MacDonald
Grade 4 Sr
6 competitors
1-Dan Davidson
2-Douglas Serrill
3-Kevin Taylor
Grade 4 U-18
3 competitors
1- Daniel Smith
2-Tyler MacDonald
3-Heather Sharpe
Grade 4 18 & Over
2 competitors
1-Shannon Farrell
2-Darlene Lewis-Chinn
Grade 3
10 competitors
1-Liz Dunsire
2-Marco Caturelli
3-Jonathan Farrell
4-Jason Thomas
5-Drew Dodge
Grade 2
4 competitors
1-Seth Walker
2-Dave Guthrie
3-Peter Rolstad
Drum Side Staffdra Cary
Drum Tenor Merry McNallie

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Feb 14, 2000 - Washington Pipers' Mini Gathering

Many thanks to Coleen Popocock for sending these to me:

Results of 1/22/00 are as follows:

Chanter 1-Emerson Dodge
2-Colin MacDonald
Grade 4 Sr 1-Rochelle Eldridge
2-Douglas Serrill
3-Mark Collins
Grade 4 U-18 1-Tyler MacDonald
2-Daniel Smith
3-Von Lennox
Grade 4 18&Over 1-Alexa Johnson
2-Darlene Lewis-Chinn
3-Sean MacDonald
Grade 3 1-Drew Dodge
2-Micah Babinski
3-Alex Fordyce
Grade 2 1-Seth Walker
2-Tyrone Heade
3-Peter Rolstad
Grade 1 1-Neil Hubbard
2-Chris Thompson
Open Bernie Rudsit
Drum Side Kate Boyd
Kaitlin Rudsit
Drum Tenor Merry McNallie

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Oct. 30, 1999 - Washington Pipers' Mini Gathering

From Medina - a great start to the new WPA season.

Class Competitors Judge First Second Third
2 John Dally Emerson Dodge Colin MacDonald  
Grade 4
- Senior
8 Bill Guthrie Charlie Nugent Rochelle Eldridge Clark Summers
Grade 4
5 John Dally Alexa Johnson Darlene Lewis-Chinn Shannon Farrell
Grade 4
- under 18
7 Bill Guthrie Daniel Smith Christopher Rolland Nathanial Rolland
Grade 3
11 Bill Guthrie Johathan Farrell Liz Dunsire
Ernie Geiger (tied)
Micah Babinski
Grade 2
4 Bill Guthrie Seth Walker Craig Fraser Peter Rolstad
Grade 1
2 Bill Guthrie John Dally Neil Hubbard  
2 Melissa Maxwell Stephen Farrell Kate Boyd  
2 Melissa Maxwell Merry McNallie Brianna Wilhelm  

(I'm trying a new layout for the results - please let me know what you think of it.)

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