Feb 24, 2001 - Des Moines, Washington - WPA Mini #3

The Washington Pipers' Mini Gathering #3 was a very enjoyable way to spend part of our Saturday.  A beautiful day outside, but it was not so bad to be indoors listening to piping.

The competition started  about 9:00AM, and was complete by about 12:15.. Everything went quite smoothly, and I think it is worth noting that the piping classes each compete in two events - there is quite a lot of music happening in a short period of time.

A  really interesting (and original I think) style of organization is used at WPA events.  I have not   seen anything like this in other places, and it seems to work very well. 

Each competition class is color coded - the registration forms, player competitive numbers,  steward and judging sheets.  In the photo above left you can see the registration table  - each color is a competition class.

From this the stewarding task is made more simple.

There was a central location for stewarding - and again colors told the tale. In the photo to the left is the 'Official WPA Stewarding Wall of Information' (OWSWI? my name for it.. sorry). From the color of the sheets, you know what class is playing, and where.   Yellow is Grade 3, Purple is  Grade 4, and the Light Blue is Adult.

From what I saw this worked quite well - the steward could tell, by color code, the competition class of each competitor, and at a glance competitors could tell where / when their class was up.

Also worth noting, I think, are  the great competition rooms. The photo to the right is actually two joined images (yes, you can tell), an attempt to show the large theater / lecture hall type setting. Hardwood floor - a new meaning to 'On the Boards'.

Very comfortable, and very good sound - there is nothing quite like a college (Highline Community College) as a venue for piping events.

wpamg37.jpg (10985 bytes)After all of the solo events were complete, but before the award presentations, we were treated to a very enjoyable Medley  performance by a mini band from the Grade 3 Washington Scottish Pipe Band.

The band was not competing, but they were performing to receiving a critique from the judges - seated at the table - photo center.

Now, on to the results:


Chanter Any March
5 in class
Judge: Keith Paton

1. William Baller
2. Madeline Boyd
3. Conor Summers

Adult Any March
7 in class
Judge Keith Paton

1. Kevin Taylor
2. Rochelle Eldridge
3. Clark Summers
4. Dan Davidson

Slow Air
6 in class
same judge

1. Kevin Taylor
2. Rochelle Eldridge
3. Robert MacGregor
4. Clark Summers

Grade 5 Slow Air
3 in class
Judge: Rod Weeks

1. Matthew Maaier
2. Grant Baker

Grade 4 Ceol Mor (ground)
7 in class
Judge Rod Weeks

1. Emerson Dodge
2. Helen Sanders
3. Darlene Lewis-Chinn

2/4 March
7 in class
same judge

1. Emerson Dodge
2. Sheila Liming
3. Heather Sharpe
4. Darlene Lewis-Chinn

Grade 3 Strathspey / Reel
4 in class
Judge Rod Weeks

1 Micah Babinski
2. Shane Smith

2/4 March
4 in class
same judge

1. Micah Babinski
2. Shane Smith

Grade 2 MSR
6 in class
Judge Rod Weeks

1. Liz Dunsire
2. David Guthrie
3. Drew Dodge

6 in class
same judge

1. David Guthrie
2. Marco Caturegli
3. Jonathan Farrell

Grade 1 Ceol Mor
1 in class
Judge Colin McRae

1. Seth Walker

6/8 March
1 in class
Judge Keith Paton

1. Seth Walker


Judge: Rick Rich

Grade 2 - Steve Campbell

Grade 3 - Kate Boyd

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